C M Bhandari Yog Guru & Formerly Ambassador of India/ ICCR Yoga Ambassador

C M Bhandari ( ICCR Goodwill Yoga Ambassador/Former Ambassador of India ) is the Retired IFS, he served the country as an Ambassador in many countries.

What is yoga?
Yoga is a unique ancient tradition of India. As a matter of fact, it was an Indian way of life since yore. It is a science and not a religion. Its relevance is all pervasive even today. But of late, it has become transcendental as its acceptance has crossed national barriers. It has come to be associated with a physical fitness regime and above it all, a way of life to attain peace and happiness. To be precise, it is a way of purifying our internal being as well as the external one. When imbibed deeply, it takes us to the path of eternal bliss. Thus, yoga is an Indian gift to the human society.

Krishna told Arjuna “I will take you to a stage where there is no craving, no attachment, no Sukha (wordly happiness), no Dukha (worldy unhappiness), no anxiety, no tension.” He further explained to Arjuna, ”I will take you to a path where you are only unto yourself.” Yoga exactly helps us reach this stage.

We may be lesser human beings and thus, may not be divine qualified enough to come face to face with God, but for sure, with the help of yoga, we are likely to attain a state of being with ourselves unrelatively. Herein lies, the true happiness.

Yoga unifies our Prana Shakti (breathing), senses, emotions and mind. In the process, it transforms us into a very powerful being. This powerfulness is internal. It gives us a feeling of being complete within us as well as outside of us. It catalyses our latent capabilities which lead us to flow spontaneously with everything and everybody.
Such a state of existence is nothing less than that of having attained ‘sainthood’. Yoga is not akin to Hinduism alone. It goes far beyond the narrowness of religion, caste, creed and national boundaries. It is a pure and applied science.
Who can do yoga?
It requires no pre-qualification. Anybody who has attained the physical age of ‘being able to do’, can take to yoga. It knows no barriers of age, gender, colour, religion and every other possible barrier. It is all inclusive and to the exclusion of none

    Public Figure, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Nonprofit Organization




      Himalayas ,, Ranikhet, India

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