Carls for Men and Women for the finest fashion, quality, and service in mens and womens apparel. Established 1970.
Carl's for Men opened their doors in the fall of 1970 at their Park Plaza location. Tom Williams started the better menswear store with many of the days famous name brands such as Van Huesen, Jaymar Sansabelt, Clubmen, Wembley ties, and Joseph Cohen. They remained at that location until the fall of 1975 when the new mall in Mt. Vernon opened it's doors. Carl's for Men was the second store to open in the new Times Square Mall. In 1982 the space next to Carl's became vacant. Tom with the assistance of his sister Kathleen started a Women's store. In October of 1982 it officially became Carl's for Men and Women. We had many successful years at the mall location but it was Tom's goal to have our own free standing shopping center. His idea came to fruition in 1994 when Tom partnered with Jackson's and Mt. Vernon T.V. and Appliance to open "The Gallery". We have been at our present location for 17 years. Through the years we have strived to continually offer the finest fashion, quality, and service in mens and womens apparel. In the days of an unstable retail environment we pride ourselves that we are still the family owned business that began more than 40 years ago.Tom along with his sister Kathleen and her husband Ron Shoemaker are committed to make Carl's for Men and Women one of the long lasting retail establishments that continually draws people to the King City!!!
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