Des Lardner's Organic Natural Health Clinic

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“After a long career in traditional pharmaceutical medicine, I am so proud to now offer complementary health services, which I believe give each person the best chance of long-term health and wellbeing.” Des Lardner

When it comes to achieving and maintaining optimum long term health, people around the world as well as here in the Wimmera are discovering the benefits of a holistic approach. Des Lardner’s Organic is the Wimmera’s newest integrated health service, providing enhanced positive health outcomes for our customers through varied complementary treatment options delivered in a harmonious and balanced practice.

“After a long career in traditional pharmaceutical medicine, I am so proud to now offer complementary health services, which I believe give each person the best chance of long-term health and wellbeing.” Des Lardner

Appointments Available by Appointment with Des Lardner - Herbalist, Archana Vakani - Herbalist, Josaphine Pummeroy - Natropathy, Jenn Kitchen - Kinesiology, Tina Baker - Remedial Massage, Phillip Netherway - Natropathy

Des Lardner Organic incorporates the skills and abilities of professional practitioners including:
Herbal medicine, homeopathy and sleep apnoea practitioner – Des Lardner
A long-time Wimmera resident and business owner for more than 40 years. Des has a masters in natural medicine and is a trained herbalist. He is also a qualified sleep apnoea praticitioner.
Ayurvedic Medicine – Archana Vakani
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian medicine based on creating balance within your body. Ayurdeva has been used to treat acne, allergy, asthma, anxiety, arthritis, immune problems, colitis, constipation, depression, diabetes, insomnia, inflammation, skin conditions and ulcers. Archana holds a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine.

Remedial Massage Therapist – Tina Baker
Remedial massage can facilitate relaxation & reduce stress, help reduce pain, aid circulation, relax muscles, improve range of motion, speed injury recovery and promote general wellbeing.
Tina will customise a massage treatment utilising a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, Swedish massage and sports techniques depending on your particular area of concern. Massage is often used to treat arthritis, muscle tension, strain and sprains, fibrosis, frozen shoulder and physical injuries in general. It is also effective in managing pain, relieving stress and aiding insomnia.
Tina is a local resident of Murtoa and has a Diploma of Remedial Massage. Future study plans include Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Oncology Massage.

Naturopath – Phillip Netherway
Naturopathy works within an age old philosophy which embraces the holistic concept that by treating the whole person and providing the right opportunity your can achieve good health. Phillip has over 30 years experience as a qualified naturopath. Phillip prefers to analyse and treat health problems holistically. He looks at the role diet, nutritional deficiencies and the mind (feelings and thoughts) play in precipitating particular health conditions. As a naturopath he uses iridology as one of his main diagnostic tools. Iridology gives him a good picture of the general condition and the nutritional status of the body. To treat particular health problems he sues diet, vitamins and minerals, herbal medicine, homeopathy and Bach Flower remedies, depending on which modalities are indicated. One of his specialties is weight loss supplements to help the person achieve optimum weight levels. Phillip is happy to help address any of your health concerns. This is a fee for service and has health fund rebate status.

Holistic Kinesiology – Jenn Kitchen
Holistic kinesiogly is a therapy based on muscle monitoring and looking at the way your body, mind and spirit are all connected. Kenesiology may be successful in helping manage stress, anxiety, depression, and physical pain. Jenn holds a Diploma of Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology. Jenn grew up in Horsham and is the daughter of long-time surgeon, Mr Graham Kitchen.

Organic produce knowledge and advice - Tami Lane and Jenni Sonego
From an extensive range of organic foods through to skin care and home cleaning products, Tami and Jenni can advise on the best products for you.

    Health Food Store, Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      5 Firebrace Street, Horsham, Australia

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