Essential Oil Vet - Janet Roark, DVM

I'm a veterinarian in Austin, Texas. I absolutely love medical grade essential oils and the benefits they have for people and animals, especially horses!

I became interested in essential oils to learn about natural alternatives in returning my own body to a healthy state. Almost immediately, after realizing the benefits of essential oils at the cellular level, I started using them in my practice, Hill Country Mobile Veterinary Service, to facilitate wellness. I am not a holistic veterinarian, but I've seen oils help restore health in many animals. As an Veterinarian, I am an animal health and welfare advocate, and Essential Oils are a huge part of promoting health and welfare of all species!

I started this page to help people with pets and horses that had questions about the safety and use of essential oils with their own animals.

Of course I would love it if you wanted to buy oils or join my oil team - I'd be happy to sponsor you and give you more information about that if you are interested! Just send me an email at But that is not the purpose of this page. The purpose of this page is to help answer questions and impart knowledge so that the oils you use can be used safely, or you can explore and learn about this alternative in pet and herd health.

Ask questions! Post pictures of your loved pets and horses! And be kind to one another. This is a happy, positive, supportive learning environment. Negative comments will be deleted.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information on this page and provided by Janet Roark, DVM is for informational purposes only. The information provided does not replace medical advice given to you by your veterinarian or doctor. If an animal (or human) you know has a medical health condition, I encourage you to contact a health care professional.

    Veterinarian, Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      P.O. Box 92402, Austin, United States

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