Neighbourhood Yoga

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We do yoga yoga. Learn a simple and rewarding practice so you can yoga anywhere.

Hi, my name is Julieanne. I teach 'yoga yoga' in West Mackay, nearby to where I grew up. The neighbourhood is full of nostalgia for me so it is wonderful to return to this stomping ground as I share the benefits of yoga with you.
When friends and new students ask me to describe what type of yoga I do, I usually say "it's just yoga yoga". My practice is not a specific sub-brand of yoga. Asana alignment is based on some of Iyengar's practice along with modern movement research, but basically, in each practice there is movement, breathing, meditation and relaxation. You can find the Neighbourhood Yoga practice descriptions here.
I began practising yoga during full time dance training 15 years ago. Although I maintained a casual practice to aid my body and mind during the rigours of training and performing, it wasn't until years later that the subtler intricacies of yoga began to resonate and my curiosity deepened.
‘Yoga yoga’ is what I do everyday. I try to do this on and off the mat - with varying degrees of success but most importantly, without judgement and with a whole lot of love. I was welcomed to this practice by my teacher, Judith Grieve, whom I still practice with as a student in Mackay.
I spent a year of intensive study with Kate Pell and Dan Alder in Brisbane where we not only readied ourselves to teach across modern and traditional philosophies of yoga, but nurtured our place as eternal students. Kate and Dan also encouraged me to understand that I am already enough. I have assisted my colleagues from Core Yoga West End to lead classes of over 300 students through early morning yoga at Woodford Folk Festival since 2014. In addition to 350 hour Yoga Australia certification, I have studied short courses in Ayurvedic philosophy with Kimana Nichols and Restorative Yoga Therapeutics with Iyengar teacher Jamie Denham, along with other ongoing CPD.
And so, I welcome you to join me on a journey to learn a simple and rewarding practice, so that you too can 'yoga yoga' anywhere, everyday.
Julieanne Bergmann
0448 054 811

    Yoga Studio


      5 Holland Street, Mackay, Australia

  Estacionamiento en la calle


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