Organic Pathways with Rose

I'm Rose! Your AWESOME Essential Oil Guru, doTERRA leader, and all-around Essential Oil addict! Get ROCKIN' SERVICE, fun giveaways, and EO Education here!

My name is Rose Flowers. I am a wife and mother to two beautiful girls. I decided to start using essential oils to support my health and have found tremendous success with incorporating them into my everyday life. I am excited to help guide you in your journey in learning about natural solutions for you and your family and helping you to discover essential oils!

Disclaimer: The information provided is our opinions. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, disease, or injury. We are not liable for the misuse or misconception of the information provided. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Please educate yourself before using essential oils or any other product recommended on this page.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (775) 453-0455


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