Somatic Healing Arts Maui

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Somatic Healing Arts Maui offers various healing modalities to gain a deeper relationship with your body, discover your true self and open your life to new possibilities for passion, purpose, and love.

Caroline Kleindienst, MA, RSMT, creator of Somatic Healing Arts Maui, is a registered somatic movement therapist, expressive arts practitioner, and artist.

Caroline uses various healing modalities to gain a deeper relationship to your body, discover your true self, and open your life to new possibilities for passion, grace, purpose, and love.

The somatic approach (from the Greek soma: through the body) includes tools of working with movement, stillness, breath, and sound to help the client connect to the here and now, and return to the body and the self. It helps to offer nourishment, restore safety and belonging, relieves anxiety, and reduce trauma and tension stored in the nervous system.

The creative arts approach offers a very powerful dialogue between movement, drawing, and creative writing. This approach gives the client the possibility of letting unconscious material arise and come into consciousness past the barrier of our rational world views. Through this process life themes and challenges can be identified, confronted, and released in a creative way so change and growth can happen.

The eco-somatic approach helps to integrate our individual body to the broader community and the larger planetary body of the earth.

Caroline lives on Maui, Hawaii, and works with individuals and groups, in person, and online via skype. Her work makes the awareness of the body applicable to healthcare, education, and the expressive arts.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (808) 280-6409

      Haiku, United States

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