The Healing Bag

Holistic Energy Healing - Reiki - Space Clearing - Dowsing - Vibrational Therapy - Angel Cards. Bringing harmony and vitality to you and your surroundings.

We offer Energy Healing with Reiki, Space Clearing, Dowsing, Sound and Vibrational Therapy.

Our goal is to bring harmony and vitality to you and your surroundings.

Sandra holds a BComm from Dalhousie University and is a lifelong student of esoteric and metaphysical science. She is certified in several modalities including Reiki, Dowsing, Space Clearing and Chios. She is also certified by Doreen Virtue to read Angel Cards. She is finishing her practicum in Elemental Space Clearing with Denise Linn. She integrates all modalities with vibrational energy from colour, crystals, essences, grandmother drumming, pendulums, Tibetan singing bowls, bells and tingshas and most recently tuning forks.

Sandra practices Transcendental Meditation, incorporates Buddhism in her daily life and continues to study Eastern Religion and new healing modalities.. She loves her dog Chico, her friends, traveling and lots of laughter !

Book a session with her today!

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Astrologist & Psychic



      290 Duke Street, Saint John, Canada

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