University of Wyoming Fencing Club

UWFC is open to all UW students/alumni, faculty/staff, and affiliates. The team has both casual (noncompetitive) and competitive fencers.

Fall 2014 info meeting: Sept 12th, CR 209 6:00 p.m.

We are a club that prides itself on our variety of skill levels and we are happy to teach anyone, regardless of experience. UWFC is coached by Grant Campbell, a competitive epeeist with nearly 10 years experience; and Jonathan Root, assistant coach, a competitive epeeist with 4 years experience.

At only $30/semester, we are probably the least expensive fencing club in the entire country. Email us at for more information. Come and try, regardless of your time commitment ability - we are happy to take all comers, from the most competitive to the most recreational.

We practice in the Education Building Gym on campus:
Official Practices
Tuesdays: 730-930pm
Thursdays: 730-930pm
Unofficial (Open) Practices
Fridays: 6-8pm
Sundays: 12-4pm

We also have film review and theory practices that will be announced during practice by the coaches

    Sports Club, Sports & Fitness Instruction, College & University

   (307) 766-5766


      1000 E University Ave - Education Gym, Laramie, United States

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