Wellness Coaching

Want optimal health in retirement and need support? Carol Ebert is the nurse and wellness expert who can make that happen for you.

After many years in nursing, I thought I was a pretty good communicator. However, as a wellness specialist and health educator my ability to affect lifestyle change seemed to be limited. Based on my expert opinion, I told patients and clients what to do to get healthier but few seemed to follow my advice.

So why did my expert advice not create change?
I discovered the reason after I left my corporate job to go out on my own. Lost and confused about what to do next with my career, a wise Nurse Coach guided me using coaching communication techniques without telling me what to do. She kept her opinion to herself and guided me toward discovering what I needed to do to bring joy back into my life again.

I was then able to create a plan perfect for me which propelled me into my next career path as an independent practitioner. This change in energy and attitude happened after only three sessions – and I didn’t need counseling!

I was so amazed and excited about the process and its power, that I immediately sought coaching training. I became a certified Mindful Coach - and also a Coach Trainer - so I could help other nurses realize their dreams.

So what about you? Are you in need of some coaching to help figure out your next life path?

As a coach, I am great at - --

Helping you think of possibilities you never considered before
Discovering your passions and what brings you joy
Getting you excited about changing and growing
Uncovering creative solutions
Being supportive, enthusiastic and inspiring
Having fun with the process

Coaching will help you:

Stay on track with your health goals
Change procrastination into action
Exercise more regularly
Eat healthy
Lose weight
Reduce your stress level
Find the time to do it all

How it works:

Weekly or bi-weekly 30-45 minute phone sessions
You decide which goals to work on
You control the agenda for each call – I don’t tell you what to do
I listen, ask questions, challenge your thinking at times, hold you accountable to your goals, and cheer you along toward success
And of course confidentiality is assured!

Ready to take the plunge?

Hope to hear from you soon!


    Personal Coach, Medical & Health, Health/Beauty

   (507) 643-6436



      42798 Stoehr Dr, Dakota, United States

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