Wellness Integrity Wisdom

Jane Evans, B.S., M.Ed., CHC ~ Intuitive Wellness Integrity Practitioner, Certified Health Coach, Teacher ~ with truth, intention, and faith, together we can heal

Jane Evans, B.S., M.Ed., CHC is a Wellness Integrity Guide, Member of the Medical Medium Official Practitioner Support Group, Certified Health Coach, and a credentialed professional Teacher holding a Master of Education Degree from Lesley University. She was invited to share her inspirational story at Medical Medium Live: Now is Your Time to Heal (LA November 2016), and in addition to working with clients, organizes regional Medical Medium Practitioner meetings for the sharing of ideas for helping others heal. Jane has also consults with Dr. Nicole Galante, as well as Muneeza Ahmed, and has been an administrator on Medical Medium inspired group cleanses. She currently guides clients 1:1 in person and via distance, as well as presents live, in person workshops on healing and living your best life.

Jane has lived the journey of spiritual, physical and professional wellness discovery for decades. Despite being limited for most of her life by chronic physical and neurological illnesses, Jane led what appeared to the outside world to be a successful personal, as well as professional life as she hid her suffering from all but those very close to her.

Throughout those decades when the suffering became unbearable, or the battle was lost to irrational fears, illness PTSD, or neurological fatigue induced agoraphobia, she would eventually give in and take medication at the lowest levels possible to just get out of the house and push through life with the hope that each time she was able to wean off medication, it would be the last. However, major life traumas would eventually lead to another downward spiral. She now knows that her heavy metals and viral loads were such that major emotional upheavals weakened her defenses, and allowed her precarious state of existence to be lost.

Along the way, she had to leave careers and lost friends due to the ups and downs of her illnesses. At one point she even broke down and hospitalized herself for three days after not sleeping for days on end after being told by a doctor to take Benadryl for sleep. It had the absolute opposite effect, as did many medications. Her body just knew they were not the answer and it rebelled with gusto. Jane loathed the idea of medication as the answer and just could not reconcile on a soul level taking it for the rest of her life. Each time she had to resort to medication to temporarily calm one issue to be able to function in the world, other symptoms would surface. It was a never ending cycle of triggers, symptoms and weaning off medications.

There had to be something better. The doctors had to be wrong. It was not genetics. It was not MS. It was not all in her head. It was not PTSD from a traumatic childhood. It was not CFS. It was not pre-metabolic syndrome. It was not her hormones, or her thyroid. Nor was it a phantom mitral valve prolapse one doctor thought she heard once. She knew something else was wrong, but what? It was maddening to want to be one way and have to live in complete opposition to that vision of herself because everything revolved around exhaustion, pain, worry, and fear. So much fear. So much unnecessary suffering due to misinformation.

The search for wellness and life purpose truth finally came to fruition in 2011 when Jane was beginning another downward spiral while once again trying desperately to hide it from the world. Once again feeling doomed and like a failure and a fraud only fed the desperation, fear and worry. One day while waiting to speak with her spiritual mentor at his yoga center, she picked up a Spirit of Change magazine to try and do something to calm her anxiety as she waited. Her husband had driven her to the appointment an hour away from home, and she was battling the “what if” fear thoughts from being out of her comfort zone of proximity to home. She opened the magazine and was immediately drawn to an advertisement for Anthony William, Medical Medium and was compelled to reach out to him for his healing wisdom, and the rest was written in the stars.

She had found the key, the healing gates opened, and she was able to truly begin to live her life to the divine fullest. After making that first appointment, Jane immediately began integrating Anthony's and Spirit's insights into her life choices and within weeks felt the veil begin to lift. Within a year, she was relieved of a lifetime of suffering from life-limiting chronic physical and neurological illnesses and began to experience life to its fullest. Jane continued to consult with Anthony and Spirit for several years to reach even deeper levels of healing and spirituality. The ensuing years have been glorious as deeper, multidimensional healing continues. And in June 2016, the purpose of the suffering was revealed when Jane was accepted to become a member of Anthony’s official practitioner support group.

Jane knows, lives and integrates the teachings and truths of Anthony William and Spirit as she guides you along your healing path. When you work with her, she maps harmonious plans uniquely suited to your personal wellness journey, learnings, and goals. Jane seamlessly blends Medical Medium teachings, as well as esoteric and practical guidance as she assists you in tapping into your innate connection to universal truth and power to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally to live your best life.

When working with you, Jane will pull from many healing disciplines and modalities including, Medical Medium Protocols, Affirmations, Angels, Crystals, Anatomy & Physiology and the Chinese Meridian System from her Zen Shiatsu training, intuition, and energy work, as well as science-based nutrition information from her certified coaching training and lifelong interest in science and medicine. You can be assured her knowledge and talents run deep, and her unique guidance will be tailored to suit your personal needs. Of course, you will always organically benefit from her experiences from many years as a professional and caring executive, teacher and mentor in business and education fields.

Jane approaches all that she does with reverence for life, wellness, and integrity of purpose for the body, mind, soul, spirit continuum as she continues to evolve, share, and teach what she has learned as she serves others as a Wellness Integrity Guide, Teacher, and Coach.

Over the past six years, Jane has transitioned to plant-based nutrition, eats mostly raw, mainly grain free and loves teaching all things Medical Medium to help others heal and blossom. She adores synchronicity, organic gardening, creating new fulfilling meals, the Sun, nature, star, and Moon gazing, talking with and listening to Angels and Guides, and riding her Harley Street Glide Special, which is one of many things she now does that she could never have done before finding the true lasting wellness path.

Jane also holds an undergraduate business degree. For many years she served in the corporate world where she also used her intuitive talents to guide colleagues and clients. Jane is infinitely grateful for her illnesses and healing, which led her to Anthony William and her true path as a teacher and Intuitive Wellness Guide. She currently resides in the Boston area with her husband and their two cats. She has one adult child. She knows we were all born with the divine right to wellness and abundance and with truth, intention, and faith, chronic illness can be healed on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Jane's approach to healing is rooted in a deep reverence for life, compassion, love & light. Let her help you increase your wellness integrity wisdom and weave your way back to wellness to live your most vibrant divine life.

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


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