Awakening - The Twist You Never Saw Coming

Nana-Marie: Awakened to at least two of her past lives brings forward fortunate gift of Spirit Consciousness, offers Emotional Recovery for Living Well.

Nana-Marie, teacher, healer of the emotional spirit, and intuitive empath who has been saved time and again by spiritual and angelic intervention, and stories to make even the most skeptic a believer.

Follow along, you will soon know and understand wholeheartedly that you are God, the creator, father (be you feminine or not). And you probably don't want to call yourself God because in your imagination, formed early and grows in infinity, usually scaring people to death, God is the punisher and unless you behave you might go to hell or get something back in another life time, if not this one (Kharma).

I know you've been seeking a He-God out there for quite some time. It's been pretty disappointing because he's not a he, and he is not out there. God is you and me. We are one.

Sweets God is not up there, and there is no one to call Father. We've been duped. Go ahead and be a child again and do what you want. Find a way you are not a prisoner like you think. Wake up. WAKE UP AND PLAY NOW!

Only in Ego (Earth, Humanity) does the image of God exist as an outside parental figure keeping his eyes on his wayward children like an over protective parent. No. Those paternal lessons come from man for control of the masses, and the image has defined our various cultures and lives into the worst kind of human suffering anyone can come up with in the human imagination.

Ego is born of fear, shame, anger then grows from that seed, and the cycle goes on and on. And you know the conditions of our world right now have a very significant purpose. I am going to share some of my intel with you, and see if it doesn't make more sense than what you've been trained to believe, no matter what your upbringing Christian, Muslim, Jew, and all have the same themes of punishment, hell and damnation, planting seeds of shame, powerlessness and dependency.

Educated into Ego we forget who we are.

There is no mood in the spiritual realm other than love, laughs, light, joy. There's so much more to tell I but I hope you read my upcoming second book, Awakening, the Twist You Never Saw Coming where I know I will delight you with real life spiritual encounters and lessons from the Masters.

My goal is not to make you do anything you don't want to do, or believe anything you don't want to believe. I am here about this life. I am a spiritual being and I have found my purpose, a little late in life, I had to go through hell first.

I will share of myself without shame, and teach all interested how to tap into an amazing God. You. And begin a new love affair with your inner child, the one who was trained away for his or her wants, needs and self. If you catch on I promise your sense of balance will restore and you will be able to cope with anything, fearlessly. The fear and loneliness wash away, just to begin.

Video blogs coming soon!


    Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Astrologist & Psychic



      Quebec, Canada

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