Dr Bruce Parker

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Bruce Parker Consulting is a marketing and consulting firm that helps local cosmetic surgeons, chiropractors, and dentists to "Ignite their practice"

I am Dr. Bruce Parker, please allow me to introduce myself and why I feel I am the right person to help healthprenuers to develop their practice to a level they once only dreamed about.

To share a little about me, I grew up in San Diego California, I was passionate about surfing (had to get wet everyday) and water skiing. I was also one of the early skate board pioneers who nailed my sisters sidewalk "metal skate wheels" to a two by four! And rode the piece of wood on wheels like a surfboard down the side walk.

I later fashioned a piece of mahogany to look like a real surfboard and screwed on the trucks of my sister’s indoor skates, the wider and softer polymer wheels were much better, but it put me chronically on her sh** list!

I later put all of my attention to racing motocross, and competed successfully until the day before moving to Iowa to attend Palmer
College of Chiropractic.

My decision to become a chiropractor was fueled by my experience of the allopathic world when I was 18. I had some health challenges. One was a chronic burning in my right elbow, another was blinding headaches. I sought care for both and what I discovered… changed my life.

The doctor I saw said fixing the headaches would be accomplished just by taking medication; and for the elbow, well that will be revealed according to the success of the surgery. For the elbow , We will open it up, and as the doctor explained, “sand down the bone in the joint that is making the grinding noise and then put it back together”. You will most likely only lose 45 percent of your normal range of motion.

Oh, did I mention my other sport was tennis, how would that work out?

Through that experience I was drawn to a chiropractor’s office. I even made up an excuse to see him. Thinking I had to have back pain to see a chiropractor I faked back pain and then told him about my elbow and headaches. As what was really going on.

After my examination his focus became my upper cervical spine, as the underlying cause of my problems.

As the result of engaging in his total program, besides getting my arm back, I knew in my heart I had found the secret of health! As the result, I became his number one referral source and put becoming a chiropractor on the top of my list!

After I graduated Chiropractic College, things seemed different. I was as passionate as ever about chiropractic, yet was met by a world that wasn’t. I tried very hard to attract new patients, and when I did get one, I fought tooth and nail to keep them. The word was out, chiropractic will fix you up in one visit!

The allopathic approach of quick symptom relief was alive and well, and was the resistance I had to learn to overcome if I ever wanted to see Chiropractic as the number one “health care” profession in the world!

I soon developed a way to attract new patients. Then after a year or two I discovered how to move them from wanting to treat a symptom, into wanting to transform their health!

That process of Attraction, Conversion (converting a person seeking pain relief to wanting a transformation in their health by following a program I recommended) and Transformational care, became my life’s work. Then after I had built my first practice to the limit of my tiny office; I opened a second office to test my system, while I retained my first practice as well.

It was a good thing Ithe system I had developed, to fill my practice with patients worked so well, because now I learned that I had no idea on how to easily operate the business side of practice in my absence...

My next step was to learn how to automate the operations and create a system to manage my practice from a distance.

So, in my efforts to manage my own two offices, I created my “Practice Freedom” system.

My final lessons for what I needed to learn to prepare myself for the vision I had, came during the time I owned three clinics and realized my practice had degenerated into a pain practice, relying on insurance for income.

For me when insurance is relied upon the entire game changes. The patient’s engagement lessens, recalls become the task of the day, and missed appointments are plentiful; and when the insurance runs out, so does the patient! Plus, the income is not dependable and reliable, especially for a newer practice that has not yet built a huge accounts receivable to buffer the problem.

Noticing my own practices were not representative of my purpose and passion, I delivered a message to my entire staff; stating my vision for chiropractic and for my practice’s and how I wanted it all to play out in the daily operations of the practice. What I wanted the practice brand to represent, what we would stand for and what we would stand against... At the end of the address, I asked, “who is with me”? … All I heard were crickets… I call it, “my Jerry Maguire moment”!

So, how do I respond to that… Do I call their bluff, or do I make a stand for my purpose... what I said next actually astounded me as I was saying it! Ok, if you’re not with me then you are against me, and you are all fired!

Really, I just fired the entire staff, except for one loyal team player who came quietly up to me, stating her support. Yes, I guess I did. Now situation breeds invention… How will I pull this one off?

I did it for over three months, and it was actually fun. It worked for many reasons and those reasons were because of the foundation I had set with patients in developing my Practice freedom system. I honed my skills in patient as well as business management and went on to open ten more clinics following the same system I would love to introduce to you now!

If you desire to grow to a higher level of chiropractic practice founded on strong principles, then join me, as we take the profession into the future, while preserving the foundation of the art, philosophy, and science on which the profession was built.

    Business Consultant, Market Research Consultant, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

   (951) 234-7472

      Temecula, United States

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