Head Over Heels Gymnastics Books

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Head Over Heels About Gymnastics has grown from having just one book to having a diverse group of products- instructional books, Dvd, App & Childrens Books


Head Over Heels About Gymnastics - Volume 1 Floor Skills was born from a flier that our founder Gemma Coles used to enable parents to help their children to practice gymnastics at home. The fliers were helpful and gave Gemma the idea to make them into a publication. The very first edition was very well received but had room for improvement.... this led on to it being edited and a second edition being created. This publication is now hugely popular in the Uk and is starting to break through the US. The first volume has an accompanying Dvd and App. We have also created a second volume - Pair and Trio Balance and will shortly be releasing our third volume - Beam.
In July 2016 we ventured out into a different genre - Jumping Jack and Bendy Wendy join Gymnastics was created. This is a children's story book highlighting all the valuable life skills children learn from having a go at a new class - confidence, friendship, accomplishment and courage.
Whilst our customers still enjoy our products I am sure we will keep creating more....... watch this space!

    Bookstore, Sports & Fitness Instruction


      104 Western Ave, Bournemouth, United Kingdom

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