Mangrove Yoga

Health Retreats NSW Australia's leading and most experienced Retreat Centre for improving health & well-being through the integration of Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness.

Australia's leading and most experienced Retreat Centre
Improving health & well-being through the integration of Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness.
- Health and Wellbeing Reatreat programs tailored to Individuals, Families and Corporates and their Executive Team -

This Facebook page is to share information with you about our Community, our Retreats, Courses and Special Events on offer, and to inspire and encourage your personal journey. We will share special offers and keep you posted about what’s going on along with inspirational articles to keep you connected with the practices at home.

Thank you for contributing – we love to receive your comments and everyone is welcome to chat on our page.

But we would like to keep our discussions in alignment with the yogic principles and to be mindful of these in our communication.

Importantly, we do not allow any comments that are:
• Abusive, threatening, offensive or obscene
• Any form of hate speech (personal attacks, discrimination, racism, etc.)
• Plagiarising or copying third party content without permission
• Unlawful, misleading, or inciting illegal activity
• Repeatedly and annoyingly off topic (you know, those pesky online serial pests).

If we find any such comments, we will remove them without notification. No one wants to read nasty messages, especially when they can be positive and inspiring instead.

Need a question answered?

If you have any questions our venue or events and courses, please message or email us and we’ll be happy to answer you.

If you no longer wish to "Like" the page, please feel free to remove yourself by clicking the "Unlike" link located on the left-hand sidebar.

Legal Stuff

To the extent permitted by law, Mangrove Yoga is not responsible or liable for any content posted on or uploaded to this site by a user or any content on third party sites linked to this site. Comments posted on this page do not necessarily represent the opinions of Mangrove Yoga.

    Yoga Studio, Health & Wellness Website

   + 61 2 4377 4499

      300 Mangrove Creek Road, Mangrove Creek, Australia

  Parking interne, Parking dans la rue

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