Mike Weisman Fitness

My goal is to provide people the information, motivation, and inspiration to get fit, stay fit, and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

My passion for all things health and fitness related was ignited in my mid-forties. At that time, despite being in decent enough shape to run several 10 kilometer races and half-marathons, I was nevertheless about 30 pounds overweight, and exhibiting many signs of what is called "Metabolic Syndrome," such as high-blood sugar (pre-diabetes), high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. My doctor however assured me that I had not yet crossed over the "point of no return," so to speak, and that with just some minor lifestyle changes and low doses of a few common prescription drugs, I could still live a basically normal and healthy life. It was from that point on that I committed myself to finding real answers as to why my body was beginning to break down and weaken, despite the fact that at the time I felt that my family and I were making relatively smart and healthy lifestyle choices. It didn't happen all at once, but bit by bit, study by study, book by book, video by video, my family and I embarked on a path to find true health and wellness - without prescription drugs or phony quick fix schemes and supplements.

And that brings me to where I am today, a passionate Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach on a mission to help as many people as possible regain their health and fitness, so that they too can have the energy, vigor, and vitality to live life to it's fullest.

Believe it or not, no matter what your current age, weight, or fitness level, you can look, feel, and quite literally be, metabolically younger one year from now than you are today.
Please feel free to be in touch me with if you have any fitness related questions or need advice as to where to begin.

    Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Personal Trainer, Coach

   (978) 626-2216



      7 Reservoir Rd, Beverly, United States


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