Spark Fitness and Nutrition

Ready for change? Find all the motivation, education and encouragement you need here with Sarah T... Boot camps, fitness classes and nutritional info

What makes you move?
Why do you want to be fit and feel your best?
Let's find your WHY together....
My mission is to help create a fitter more healthy planet. This doesn’t mean I'm making people work out. It means I want to help people FALL IN LOVE with fitness, so that they will want to work out!
Imagine getting up in the morning with so much energy. Picture yourself healthy and fit. I want to help you with that.
Whether it's boot camps, to amp up your workout routine, or private small group fitness is the name of the game, I will motivate you to achieve your goals.
We are a community, we are strong together!
Get fit! Stay fit! Get fitter!...with Sarah T

    Sito Web di salute e benessere, Boot camp, Palestra yoga

   (204) 513-1000

      Box 4533, Stonewall, Canada

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