The Essential Hub - Jenni Rose

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Mum of 3, Lover of DIY + doTERRA Essential Oils + Wholefoods + Fitness + Natural Health & Wellness Solutions. Welcome + Enjoy! Jenni Rose x

♥♥ Firstly, a big warm welcome to you and thank you for joining me on my little venture into the world of health, wellness and essential oils.

A bit about me....

I'm currently a stay at home mum with 2 daughters aged 4 and 1 and my husband and I also run a family business.

I truly believe these oils have been a game changer in our little family's lives. I was already on the lox tox, natural route in life, making my own body and cleaning products and using as natural as I could on and around the kids.

But I went in search of more. I'm a big DIY'er so I was after something I could use for headaches, to make DIY vapour rub, cleaning products and body moisturisers. Something to help calm the kids (and the mummy) or motivate me to get up and do my workout. Then I stumbled across doTERRA Essential Oils and so my journey began and here we are....

Enjoy my page and learning all there is about these amazing Essential Oils and what they can do for you and your family.

For more info please feel free to reach out via private message :)

Everything I share on this page is personal experience only and what works for us as a family and what we are comfortable with. None of this should be taken as a replacement for medical advice. If required, please consult your GP/Health professional before starting a new health regime, especially if you are on medications, pregnant or breastfeeding.

"The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

    Alternative & Holistic Health Service


      Melbourne, Australia

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