YOGA by the SEA Mandalay Shores

We're a community of Yoga & T'ai Chi Chih loving souls, offering GRATITUDE donation-based classes year-round under the open sky of the Mandalay Beach Park in Mandalay Shores!

Year-round Outdoor Classes @Oxnard Beach Park (NW corner of Beach Way and Mandalay Beach Rd):
*9:30am Flow YOGA w/Marketa
*5:30pm Kundalini YOGA w/Jewels
*9:45am Hatha YOGA w/Lisa
*11:15am Mindful YOGA w/Heidi
*5:30pm Power YOGA w/John
*9:30am Flow YOGA w/Marketa
*11am Kundalini YOGA w/Tara
*5:30pm Sunset YOGA w/Alexis
*9:30am Hatha YOGA w/Diana
*11am Yogic Breath w/Alexis
*5:30pm Sunset YOGA w/Lisa
*9:30am Flow YOGA w/Marketa
*11am Gentle YOGA w/Alexis
*5:30pm Power YOGA w/John
*8:30am T'ai Chi Chih w/Lisa
*1st Sat of month 9am Meditation
*9:30am Flow YOGA w/Marketa
*9:30am Hatha YOGA w/Lisa
*11am T'ai Chi Chih w/Tish or Lisa

Frequently Asked Questions:
1.Where are the YbtS Classes held?
All YbtS Classes are held in OXNARD BEACH PARK in the northwest corner of the park, closer to Oxnard Shores. Please, follow these directions to find our two locations: From Harbor Blvd, turn on Oceanaire St all the way to Mandalay Beach Rd, Left on Mandalay Beach Rd, find us on the grass during week and on the beach on the weekends or holidays.
2.What is the difficulty of YbtS Classes?
All classe are designed for ALL LEVEL YOGIS with the option of modifying and resting anytime during the class. We encourage yogis to listen to their body and do only what feels right! Please, inform YbtS instructors prior to each class whether you have any injuries or medical problems or if you're expecting mom so proper modification can be offered.
3.Do I need to register or sign up for a class?
No need to register or sign up, you can simply join YbtS classes whenever your schedule allows (Members of YbtS meetup can RSVP and rate our classed, also post & view comments and photos). NEW STUDENTS will be asked to fill out one time release form (you can view the form & even print it from meetup website or you can fill it out at the class site).
4.What is the cost of YbtS Classes?
All YbtS Classes are donation based.
5.What is the minimum or average donation?
No minimum donation is expected as YbtS is trying to make the spiritual practice of yoga available to anyone & YbtS instructors believe in "Good Karma" ~ in giving more, we receive more (however, if you insist ... donations of $5+ are greatly appreciated!)
6.What to bring to a class?
* Yoga mat (or 2 mats for better stability, specially on the sand) * Large towel/ bed sheet to keep moisture/sand away * Yoga props (if you own yoga block, strap, bolster, etc) * Dress in comfortable clothes & layers (on hot days bring a hat & water; on cold days warm layers, even warm hat & gloves, socks!)
7.Can I bring my child with me to a class?
YES, we love yogis of all ages joining our sessions as long as they are supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
8.Can I bring my dog with me to a class?
YES, it's the beauty of practicing outdoors ...we love furry friends joining our group as long as they remain supervised by their owner at all times.
9.When are classes cancelled and how do I find out?
Classes are cancelled only during heavy rains or strong winds as YbtS instructors are committed to guide you through various experiences what Mother Nature stores for us! Any class updates/cancellations are posted on YbtS meetup website & YbtS Facebook.
10.How do I stay informed about class schedule & special events?
You can subscribe to a once-a-week YbtS Newsletter that will provide you with a two week class schedule, special events announcements, photos, yoga quotes and inspiring articles, simply email Marketa at! If you have further questions, please, contact Marketa 805-479-9530.

    Palestra yoga

   (805) 479-9530


      Mandalay Beach Rd and Beach Way, Oxnard, United States

  Parking dans la rue

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