
Yogabodii, an eco-friendly studio that focuses on finding out where YOUR yoga meets YOUR lifestyle using the Iyengar Yoga Methodolgy.

Yogabodii is where you bridge your yoga with your life. Come join me for a safe, customized practice and learn how to heal your body, feel your fascia, truly deepen your breath, understand how to connect your bone to muscle and muscle to skin, explore your mind, conquer your self critic, build strength, mobility, flexibility, and create mental space.

Safe and healthy sequences are built specifically for your individual needs, health requirements and preventative measures to protect your body and build strenght, mobility and flexibility. With the use of Props, The Rope Wall (Kurunta Yoga), a deep knowledge of anatomy, and over 15 years worth of self study, Yogabodii is more than a place to just practice on your mat.

Yogabodii is where YOUR yoga meets YOUR lifestyle!

    Servizio di medicina olistica e alternativa


      Midtown, Toronto, Canada

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