Infinity Float Spa

A way to escape from every day stress and find peaceful healing!

What is Floating?

Float therapy is a powerful tool for wellness, relaxation, pain relief and better sleep. As with many things, the benefits are greatly enhanced when used on a regular basis. Stress, tension and pain have formed over time and will take some time to experience the greatest relief—luckily, floating is a relaxing, fun, and effortless way to do so!
Float therapy offers relief and benefits which are cumulative—they build on themselves with each subsequent session. We like to say “the more you float, the better it gets”, as floats themselves deepen beyond the first session. Though flotation is “effortless”, the body and mind learn how to relax within each float session.
For these reasons, we encourage guests to return often and to float on a regular basis to maintain the many benefits.

History behind Floating

Float spas, also known as sensory deprivation pods, are a form of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (R.E.S.T.). Although float tanks are not widely recognized, they have been around since the early '50s. The first float tank was invented by two neurophysiologists: Dr. John C. Lilly and Dr. Jay T. Shurley. Lilly and Shurley created a tank to conduct an experiment to determine how the brain would function in the absence of stimuli. Their design used a cylindrical tank in which an individual was completely submerged with a breathing apparatus to supply oxygen (in what I can only imagine was portrayed in the Netflix series Stranger Things). The theory used was that when the brain was relieved of stimuli, the parts of the brain that detected stimulus would slow down, or turn off which would lead the individual into a type of mindless coma; this was quickly discovered to not be the result. Instead, individuals who could overcome the unideal initial conditions individuals reported feeling a heightened sense of relaxation and some even reported dream-like hallucinations.
Floating has evolved through the years and is being more widely recognized for its health benefits. No longer is an individual completely submerged in water, one will simply float on their back, relax, and enjoy their experience. At Infinity Float Spa, you are in complete control of your float session! We provide a private room that is home to our Dream Pod and a shower. The Float Pod has the option for light, music, and an intercom. We are here to maintain optimum safety for you to truly enjoy your experience. Our patrons can rest assured that their needs are our number one priority!

How Will Floating Benefit Me

Floating relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow, and releases endorphins which can improve your mood. The decreased stimuli to the brain allows your brain to slow down (in a good way!) allowing your brain to be in the optimal state for meditation and relaxation. The water within the tank is highly saturated with pharmaceutical grade Epsom salts and heated to the temperature of the surface of your skin. This relieves the pressures of gravity and gives the illusion of floating in air. Floating has also been known to alleviate chronic pain, addiction therapy, and overall mental wellness. It is also used by many of today's top professional athletes as a means of maintaining focus, mental clarity and physical recovery.

Who Cannot Float?

While floating is widely encouraged for a vast majority of people, there are a few conditions in which floating may not be recommended. Individuals with kidney disease need to have written permission from their physician. The waters are highly saturated with Epsom salt and the body will absorb magnesium, while magnesium is a wonderful electrolyte and has many health benefits, those with kidney disease may be unable to adequately excrete the magnesium level. Those with a history of heart disease, blackouts, seizures, diabetes, or epilepsy are advised to consult their healthcare provider prior to entering our Float Pod.

Schedule your appointment today, we will do our best to accommodate to your schedule!

    Health Spa

   (573) 280-9527


      3797 Osage Beach Parkway Suite 222 Lower Level Stonecrest Mall, Osage Beach, United States



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