Emil Dale Academy

Rating 4.8 (average of 39 opinions)

3 Year Pro Diploma | 2 Year Foundation | 6th Form | Gap Year | Talent Agency


Welcome to Emil Dale Academy the next generation of full time post-16 vocational training. We hope you find all the information you need in our prospectus.

CONGRATULATIONS! Well done for finding us. Our courses may very well change your life. They certainly have for over 80 people so far who have worked professionally for the BBC, ITV, feature films, theatre and have gained places and scholarships at top colleges at degree level such as Arts Ed, Laines, Birds, Mountview, Urdang, GSA and many more....

So, you may only see yourself as a singer, dancer or actor, with more experience in just one area. Well think again. Imagine how much more employable you may be, and how many more places you could progress to, if you trained in everything.

Emil Dale Academy (EDA) prides itself on offering the most highly intensive, triple threat, musical theatre sixth form and gap year courses in the UK for around half the price of similar companies. It is no wonder we have become peoples first choice for training, now attracting students from all over the country. Many people say our training is that of a 1st year at degree level in a vocational college in London.

With so many places to choose from and so many students wanting a career in the arts, it can sometimes be challenging to find the right place for you. Any college can say they are unique but it is important you know all the facts before choosing the right course. Firstly, here at EDA we believe you need to get that "feeling" when you walk into a college before you know it is right for you. It is easy to make things look good on websites and in glossy prospectuses. This is why we encourage all prospective applicants to come meet our team, look around and talk to our students. This may also be the reason we only place the right people on our courses as we get to know everyone before they even audition.

We are proud to have a 100 % retention rate and 100 % pass rate with many of our students progressing to the top ten musical theatre, drama and dance schools in London. Our teaching faculty have more than 90 years experience in the business collectively. We are results driven and believe our success is down to our highly intensive weekly training timetable, streaming in ability and attracting teachers with years of professional experience from across the industry.

When auditioning we are looking for trainability, a great attitude and that special spark. Our courses are extreme triple-threat training in singing, dancing and acting, offering more contact hours (35 plus) every week, which is more than most similar courses. Every student receives a private 1-to-1 singing lesson with a professional singing teacher every single week. We begin every day with a 45-minute body conditioning and strengthening class. We are attached to our own talent agency and many of our students work professionally in TV, film and theatre during their time with us.

Our students benefit from our own on-site 180-seater theatre and we operate from our own 12, 000 square foot, 3 storey building with 5 studios, a cafe, 1-to-1 rooms, mirrors, sprung floors and air conditioning.

We have an open door policy for families and students, which creates a solid relationship between our staff and students. We operate an attitude free policy and teach our students to be highly disciplined, punctual, respectful and open, which is where our own reputation for producing not only highly skilled students but students who are "good to work with" comes from.

We audition over 700 people a year for around 42 places. Many people come to us strong in one or two disciplines and leave proficient in all. We believe the harder you train and the more disciplines you train in, gives students access to a much wider range of employment opportunities and more places to progress to, which essentially leads to a more sustainable living in performing arts in later life.

If you are ready to train harder than you have ever have imagined, rapidly improve in all disciplines, and become part of the most infectious family in the country, we want to hear from you.

Don't just take our word for it. See the difference in training by attending an open day or meeting.

Get in touch info@emildale.co.uk

Emil Dale (Principal and Director of EDA)

GAP YEAR COURSE = 5/6 days a week 2 YEAR 6TH FORM COURSE = 5 days a week

If you can find a course like for like offering more hours and intensity we will train you completely FREE! Every week each student receives:

Private 1-1 singing lesson for every student (With top industry professionals)
35 + hours contact time. (More than any like for like course at this level)
4 x 1.5 hour jazz class. (Streamed in ability)
4 x 1.5 hour acting classes. (Including monologues workshops for classical and modern, audition preparation & acting for stage and screen).
3 x 1.5 technical ballet classes. (Streamed in ability)
3 x 1.5 hour coral singing classes. (Technical harmony workshops)
5 x a week. Every morning 45 mins of cardio and strengthening.
Song and dance class with West End performers. (Up to 30 a term)
Song workshop to prepare your audition songs with top casting director.
1-1 monologue workshop for every student.
Commercial dance. (With dancers from X Factor and arena tours)
Contemporary dance. (With Vicky from London Contemporary)
History of musical theatre.
Business. (UCAS, personal statements, CV & colleges application help.
Careers talks with drama school representatives and working industry professionals from stage a screen. (Arts Ed. Mountview have already visited us.)
Performance workshop. Perform individually every week in front of your year.
More West End masterclasses every week than anywhere else.
Attached to a professional agency for TV / FILM / THEATRE www.dalehammondassocates.com (Many students work professionally)
All run from our own 12, 000, sq ft, 3 storey building with 5 studios and a 184 seater theatre. Factory Playhouse Hitchin.
Every year each students take part in 2 full scale productions accompanied by a live West End band. One musical and one showcase.

    Performing Arts School, Dance Studio



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      60 Wilbury Way, Hitchin, United Kingdom

  Internal parking

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